Monday, October 21, 2013

10A. Short Film Proposal

My idea for my short film revolves around what goes on inside the mind of someone who is stuck in a coma and their journey to escape back to life. The main character will enter a coma after some sort of accident, I am not really sure about the details yet. Once inside the characters mind the character must escape from a house or some sort of structure. I want to create a few puzzles that tie into the uses of parts of the brain and their uses. This way the puzzles or traps will coincide with the functions of a brain after trauma.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

7. Character Sheet for Project 2

6. Project 2 Idea

My idea for Project 2 is that my character will be a stylized hamster with a top hat and a goatee. The basic story will take place inside a room with furniture. What happens in the scene is that the character will try to get a book off the top shelf when it goes horribly wrong.